Our Team

Mason England

Hi! My name is Mason England. I am an early contributor to Anodyne Music and an avid musician. Music is an integral part of my life and has been since I was born. As a child, my parents would take me to bluegrass festivals where I was captivated by the distinctive sounds of the fiddle. Drawn to this instrument, I began playing the violin at age eight and although I was recommended to switch instruments a few times, I am still playing today. Being a violinist has opened many doorways into experiences I never would have thought possible. It has taken me on trips to distant states and led to relationships with the most fascinating people, some of whom are my best friends. It is because of my passion for the violin that led to my commitment to Anodyne. 

From my experience, I have witnessed that music is one of the greatest opportunities to create happiness within people from various backgrounds and lifestyles. With Anodyne, I hope to pass on the passion of music that has influenced my life so heavily.

Noemi Sura

Hello! My name is Noemi Sura, and I am the founder of the Anodyne Music organization. My journey with music, other than a childhood filled with impromptu acapella for family or my elementary school’s mandatory recorder concerts, began in fourth grade. I was enchanted with the idea of playing the violin, and admired all those who were able to make this difficult instrument sound beautiful. After years of struggle, countless tearful practices, and many vows to never touch an instrument again, I changed lanes and decided to try my hand at guitar. That was when I truly fell in love. The peace and contentment that comes from strumming those sturdy strings is unlike anything I've ever known. It’s a feeling I hope every person will experience at some point in their lives and one I feel moved to share with others.

In addition to music, I have an enduring interest in medicine. Though my career plans have bounced from pediatric brain surgeon to cancer researcher and everything in between, helping others has always felt like my path. It was out of this desire to provide companionship to children enduring long hospital stays, along with my passion for music, from which the idea of Anodyne was formed.